Monday, November 30, 2015

I've been getting behind on updating my blog because I am trying to get the tiny house dried in before winter. Here's a current picture.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Got some walls up and some rafters on. Put a tarp on to protect from rain. I hope to get the sheathing up this Saturday.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Walls going up

Not much daylight with the sun setting at 5:30 but we are still making progress, more pics coming soon.

Friday, October 30, 2015

A trucking company listed osb sheets for 3 dollars a piece. I just picked up 34 for 100 bucks. The guy also threw in 3 sheets of paneling and a 2x6 board. Saved me over 150 dollars.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Framed up some walls. Planning on putting them up next Saturday.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Used some 3/8 lag bolts to mount the floor to the trailer. It took some fanagaling to get the floor square but it's all good now! Walls coming soon!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

More Floor and some insulation, we will fill the remaining space with fiberglass then on goes the subfloor! We will be using 7/16 osb that should be plenty strong since the floor is 16 OC.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

We have our insulation! Dad was nice enough to pick up our insulation for us. They are 2.5" polyiso insulation panels 4x 8 sheets. They cost $20.00 a piece. We are so thankful we could get it at this price. This gives us r36 for floor and ceiling.

 We are going to finish the middle and back deck next. We have also been pairing down our clothes and shoes. We really believe that by simplifying our lives we will be able to have more free time, do things we like to do and enjoy the moments we spend together without the worries or stress a big house brings. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

     Today my wife and I got to work on the framing for the first deck section assembled. The deck was put together using 3" construction screws and construction adhesive. We used 2x6's that we ripped down to 5 inches. We did this because our polyiso insulation panes are 2.5 inches thick so two of them together will fill a 5 inch cavity perfectly.

     We bought all the lumber for the floor at home depot for 140 dollars all the exterior boards are pressure treated to help prevent rotting. Once the three deck sections are completed we will attach the aluminum flashing and put in our insulation. After that we get to move on to the subfloor!

We are so excited to see the progression of our tiny house!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Getting Ready...

Took a wire wheel to the whole trailer, sand blasted all the nooks and crannies, and then got the whole thing primed. Not bad for a 400 dollar frame from craigslist.